Friday, October 5, 2012

Fellow Fangirls, We Gotta Quit This Shit

So this next topic is only, sort of, tangentially related to writing, and for that I apologise - I just can't stop shaking my head over this. The story I'm working on at the moment involves a movie star (sigh) and so, in need of uh, inspiration, I tracked the tags of a few of my favourites on Tumblr. Now, lots of people like movie stars. They're good looking and smart and their lives are exciting for whatever reason, so whenever something new happens the media and the fangirls go crazy.

Case in point - this one actor. Recently he's hooked up with an old flame so now when I hop on for a nice spot of eye candy all I get are blurry photos of him with beard and baseball cap, out with his pretty lady. Poor dude hasn't been out for lunch this week without the paps in his face (apparently he likes tacos, that's cool, I love tacos too). Now the fangirls are moaning fit to burst and posting the stalker shots with pink-tinged photoshop filters and multiple crying reaction gifs. Now, I'm guilty of reblogging a reaction gif thread or two (come on, Doctor Who gets emotional) but do you really need to be so invested in this one guy's life? There's so much talk of 'Oh she's not good enough for him' and 'She's not the sort of girl he always said he liked' and of course the old 'She's only interested in him again since he was in that awesome movie.'

So hold on, you're interested in him for what? His humanitarian efforts? How well he treats his dog? The fact that he'd probably leave the toilet seat down for you? Please.

It's also interesting to note the disparity of fan reactions between actors who are in a long-term relationships and actors who have been, as far as the fans are aware, single for a while. When this other actor and his wife had a baby, everyone was all 'Oh they're such an adorable family' and 'I wish I was her,' but when a single actor hooks up with someone, suddenly all the barbs come out and the poor woman is a trolloping slutbag out to steal the man ten thousand fans were destined to marry? Ugh.

(The word trolloping is now making me laugh because it sounds sort of like galloping and is giving me mental images of pouty brunettes in ponytails and lipgloss trolloping around on invisible Monty Python horses.)

Anyway. Surely if you like an actor you can appreciate that most of them would like some respect and privacy and to not be judged on anything they do in their personal life. I can't even imagine what a nightmare it would be having strangers with cameras follow you around trying to make money out of your private moments. This actor seems like a pretty good dude, and I'm sure that is part of why his fanbase loves him so much. I bet he'd respect your personal space, so why can't you let him have his?

Now let me look at these pecs in private.

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